tax (noun) [tæks] : a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers’ income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions:
accounts (plural noun) [á’kaúnts] : a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period or purpose:
taxacc (noun) [tæks’æk] : a firm that provides tax and accountancy services to small businesses for a fixed fee.
Taxacc Solutions is a small accountancy practice run by Shruti & Kandarp. We have been providing accountancy services in UK since 2006. We have worked with small start-ups and owner managed businesses.
Shruti Soni
Shruti looks after Accounts production, Corporation Tax, Self Assessment Tax, Independent Examinations for charities and Audits.
Shruti comes from a practice background and has always worked with charity clients. She also works along with small businesses to provide annual accounts and tax services.

Kandarp Soni
Kandarp holds vast experience in start-ups, setting up accounting systems, internal controls, VAT, Payroll and CIS.
Kandarp also provides bookkeeping services from data entry (automated only) to the preparation of management accounts. Kandarp also looks after financial aspects of the clients.